editing photos
ez gif - online gif and photo editor
photopea - online photo editor, similar to photoshop
css image filters tutorial by baccyflap - how to edit photos via css (no external editor)
99gif shop - gif store (free)
gifcities - search for old gifs via the internet archive
88 x 31 gif collection - self explanatory
capstasher - the largest 88 x 31 collection on the net
bonnibel's graphic collection - cute gifs and other various graphics
cutie internet archive - tons of kawaii graphics
blinkies cafe - blinkie maker
w3schools - beginner coding tutorials for html, css, javascript and beyond
encycolorpedia - encyclopedia for colors and hex codes
melonland - full of helpful info & resources for beginner webmasters
catbox - free file hosting
litterbox - free *temporary* file hosting