i love the rodeo also im really full i cant breathe
02/27/25, 5:53pm
hello nekoweb its been a bit meow i missed you. i really enjoy the time i spend on this website but i tend to take breaks between using my pc because it is such an overload of stimulation lol. anyway hi! i just ate dinner i made tteokbokki soup and ive had a nice week to myself. ive been thrifting for clothes and going to daiso for storage for all my art supplies. my pc/art room is very messy and has been in the middle of unpacking since i moved into this apartment over a year ago lol.
i wanna say i went to the rodeo 3 or 4 times in the 3 ? weeks it was in town. i love fair rides and farm animals and something about the smell of fair food and menure is just so oddly comforting... or nostalgic... i really love the rode for so many reasons.
i got lots of photos, here are a few of my favs :D!
my mind has gone blank... i will update this entry if i think of more to say for today but if not that is all. see u later!
is this thing on hello am i muted
02/08/25, 1:43pm
hello nekoweb... long time no see...... meow
im sitting here trying to think of what to say and struggling. this has been a big reason
why i haven't updated my website- so apologies!! this has been a problem in all aspects of
my life i feel like i have nothing interesting to share.
anyway, there ARE things to share, and i like to keep yall (the void) updated. a lot has happened since november. christmas and new years came and went, they were spent with my girlfriend (and also my family on christmas). i got a printer! with a scanner and copier and it can print over wifi! (although that last one's pretty common now that im thinking about it). i had been asking for one for some time now so YAY! wife got me re-ment blind boxes!!! i went a little crazy and bought a bunch more for myself afterward... i was really excited considering they arent easy to come by TwT.
my 20th birthday was in december. many thoughts.
i had a nice little get together at my apartment with my girlfriend and 2 other friends. we did... typical party things... and it was nice catching up with those i hadn't seen in a while. we ordered pizza later into the night and we also got bread sticks and dessert!!! i think this was a step up from my last birthday (sucked kinda it had its nice moments) so im grateful.
as sappy as it may seem, it's a considerable milestone for me to have made it as far as i have and be at the level of contentness (?) that i am. i have a lot of negative feelings towards myself and my upbringing, but the fact that im even here today is beyond an accomplishment, and id like to say im proud of myself. i wish i could give advice to my child self and tell them things get better. maybe that isn't entirely true, because some things are objectively worse now as a young adult, but its safe to say the pain has become a lot more tolerable.i spent a lot of time last year being a recluse, but the last 2 or 3 months or so i've been slowly going out more and more, and im proud but also a little scared and maybe i should be more aware of that fear. scared because a lot of it involves drinking! and i have a feeling my relapse on weed is 100% directly correlated. but thats a conversation for another day. i've already decided to slow down on my alcohol so hopefully i'll muster the strength for weed again in due time. im glad im at least socializing, and with people i feel comfortable being sober around. my alone time is still sacred though. the speed at which my social battery drains has decreased a little bit, and im trying to learn my own social boundaries and limits as a pushover-in-remission. saying no to people and wanting approval from people i dont need it from is quite the thing to unlearn!
sorry for the venting- a lot has been on my mind and i dont vent much. even though im not sharing very much on here i appreciate the anonymity this gives me, opening up to people is hard but bottling things up is bad. i was going to follow that with "writing in my diary in the 3rd person seems weird" but... its literally MY DIARY who gaf i should 100% start doing that. its helpful to get thoughts outside of my head even if its to the void.
i think thats all for now
p.s. this country's president sucks fat nuts. the world does not feel real. save us all. get me outta here.
click to view entries from 2024
11/21/24, 11:14pm
hi blog hi soniweb so long story short i would like to revamp my site a bit... im not as happy with the layout as id like to be and ive learned a bit more at this point in the last couple of weeks ive been building the site, so im planning some alterations. i just feel like things are too cluttered in some places and too spaced out in others, really id just like to reorganize the layout because i feel like its a bit weird and hard to follow. for now the website will stay up but my index page will be updated once im reconstructing :]
anyway, just wanted to share that. layout changes aside, thanksgiving is next week and im pretty excited! this is my first time making something for the dinner- bread rolls!! also, last thanksgiving me and wifey spent with our families individually, so this one is our first together which im also very excited for ^^
i have also gotten back into using my 3ds. a friend of mine introduced me to pretendo, a revival for n*ntendo servers on older consoles :D we've been playing mario kart 7 a bit hehe. ive also downloaded some new games like rythm heaven and taiko no tatsujin, and got to check on my tomodachi save and style savvy as well.
i think thats all i have to share for now... byebye
bread with bae
11/13/24, 9:22am
i made bread with my wife! well okay i made it and she watched and washed some dishes LOL. regardless the bread was yummy and she enjoyed it. i used this recipe! ive made this bread before, but this time i added garlic butter so it would pair well with the pasta i made for dinner :D

aside from the bread, im showing wifey NANA- my favorite anime ever (and one of the few i enjoy).
she cant believe they arent gay and neither can i. she gets it. headcanon? you mean canon? they gay as hell.
shes really enjoying it so far. she said jsut now "this show gives me the zoomies" and she wants shoji to die (real).
we are about halfway through ep 17 as i type. o_o
i feel like im out of things to say for now. im hungry... ok bye
rude awakening
11/12/2024, 9:57am
me and wife were scared awake by the fire alarm in my bedroom!! nothing is on fire but my apartment complex is doing fire safety checks and testing every single alarm. i can hear the ones in the other buildings as i type. thankfully i knew it wasnt a fire but i cant say i wasnt startled (i am still shaking). they just did it again two seperate times just now like 20 seconds apart in the middle of my typing thing im losing it i gotta leave the apartment. THEY FUCKING DID IT AGAIN A MINUTE LATER AND MADE IT LAST LIKE A SOLID MINUTE im going to K!|_|_ myself i should finish this and leave okay this is it i had more to say but i'll do it later goodbye
11/08/2024, 11:15pm
my eyes are watering i have been coding since my last entry so
roughly the last 8 and a half hours... horray! im done for the night
goodnight soniweb even though nobody here... i think o.o
i want yogurt
brain empty
11/08/2024, 2:36pm
finally started doing stuff on here since my last update in august. feeling down today and as of late
because of... well if u know u know lol.
anyway, i added my profile page. it's still a WIP but
thats at least There now. unsure what else to say- my head has been empty since tuesday... my
spotify discover weekly is kinda ass right now. womp.
i think thats all for now. will add another blog update when more happens. i also need
to start using it as a proper blog but i think i've been discouraged from doing that because
my website is still in such a rough stage. i should just say #fuckit though. okay bye.
08/17/2024, 8:47pm
hi ive been working on this website for a few hours already today. my eyes burn and im getting frustrated. im also getting sleepy. meow idk what else to say other than i am doing this and i wanted to add a blog entry stating that i am actively working on the website. ok bye

was about to write an entire blog entry but my mind suddenly went blank! remind me
to talk about the rodeo guys...
its valentines day! happy day! i got up very very early
today (right before 4am) and then went back to sleep (at 7) and now
im awake again. i gotta shower, i have plans today! sadly not
with wife (she is sick) but me and a friend will be hanging out
later so thats fun :D looking forward. also made my wife a collage
card, doubt i'll show though eheheh.
went out last night and now im hungover... save meeee im hungry hgnh
woke up this morning feeling sickly my throat hurts and my sinuses
are all stuffed up... head feels weird too..... sigh
11/16/24, 3:32am
ive GOTTA stop staying up so late o_o i usually
am asleep by 9pm latest i dont know whats happening!!!
its almost 3am god damn ive been coding since wife went home (6pm yesterday)
i should shower and go to bed le sigh
im eepy
i am making bread... its rising right now but
i am excited to show yall when its done ^-^ ive made this
recipe before but i fear i used a little too much flour gulp
we'll see though! will post pics and the recipe when im done :D
also update on the fire alarm stuff its over we left the apartment
for a few hours now we are back in our enclosure YAAAY!!
wife comes over tomorrow i am excited i miss her deeply.
we dont have any plans but she is sleeping over for a couple days
so that will be nice.