hiii my name is soni and this is my website (◕‿◕✿)
social media is annoying and there is nothing better than
profile customization so i made this website to act as a
host for whatever i feel like sharing with people online
if things look weird, HARD REFRESH! (CTRL + SHIFT + R)
last song soni listened to:

i love the rodeo also im really full i cant breathe
02/27/25, 5:53pm
hello nekoweb its been a bit meow i missed you. i really enjoy the time i spend on this website but i tend to take breaks between using my pc because it is such an overload of stimulation lol. anyway hi! i just ate dinner i made tteokbokki soup and ive had a nice week to myself. ive been thrifting for clothes and going to daiso for storage for all my art supplies. my pc/art room is very messy and has been in the middle of unpacking since i moved into this apartment over a year ago lol.
i wanna say i went to the rodeo 3 or 4 times in the 3 ? weeks it was in town. i love fair rides and farm animals and something about the smell of fair food and menure is just so oddly comforting... or nostalgic... i really love the rode for so many reasons.
i got lots of photos, here are a few of my favs :D!
my mind has gone blank... i will update this entry if i think of more to say for today but if not that is all. see u later!

- new mini blog entry- joined a webring
- joined some fanlistings
- moved some things around
- new blog entry- added more quizzes
- tried changing the font to something more readable- some tweaks
- added quiz results box
- added mini blog to the main page- moved some things around
- made resources- made graphics page a little nicer
- moved some things around
- made some of my own stamps :D
- changed the color of links lol- made the favorite albums section in my about box a lot nicer!
- updated mini blog!- added some new buttons
- new button!
- about page gone, now just scroll down!
- messed with the layout a bit more
- messed with the layout a bit
- made buttons a little prettier
- made blog page a little cleaner- something else but i forgot lol
- some small tweaks + cute lil gif on the front page
- new blog entry- new fanlisting
- a few minor tweaks throughout the site
- added a buttons page- revamped about page
- about button is now a dropdown
- made miniblog a little taller- added buttons and stamps to the about page
- finished about page!
- added hover effect to fanlistings images- removed profile page in place of about page (spacehey still available tho)
- added a links dropdown menu
- tweaked some code
- started working on the about page
- added a little mood embed
- tweaked some graphics- tweaked some code (and my sitebox on nekoweb)
- tweaked some graphics- customized and linked my spacehey in my blog page
- moved some things around
- tweaked some code
- added a counter
- added a guestbook. go sign it!- added a site button!! plus a button section for others :D
- uploaded site to neocities
- tweaked some things
- made sitebox into a gif
- added webring box (and joined one!)- tweaked some code and graphics
- added custom site box- added custom domain
- added site icon :D
- added some more handwritten stuff
- started cleaning up some code... my shit is messy
- added mini blog
- finished- removed some broken stuff... le sigh
- added some handwritten stuff

03/24/25, 04:36pm
traveling for a family wedding... currently at the airport for a FOUR HOUR LAYOVER............ my neck hurts my eyes hurt and are sensitive im gonna get
a migraine i know it save meeeee im so tireddjfkjhdgjh
was about to write an entire blog entry but my mind suddenly went blank! remind me
to talk about the rodeo guys...
its valentines day! happy day! i got up very very early
today (right before 4am) and then went back to sleep (at 7) and now
im awake again. i gotta shower, i have plans today! sadly not
with wife (she is sick) but me and a friend will be hanging out
later so thats fun :D looking forward. also made my wife a collage
card, doubt i'll show though eheheh.
went out last night and now im hungover... save meeee im hungry hgnh
woke up this morning feeling sickly my throat hurts and my sinuses
are all stuffed up... head feels weird too..... sigh
11/16/24, 3:32am
ive GOTTA stop staying up so late o_o i usually
am asleep by 9pm latest i dont know whats happening!!!
its almost 3am god damn ive been coding since wife went home (6pm yesterday)
i should shower and go to bed le sigh
im eepy
i am making bread... its rising right now but
i am excited to show yall when its done ^-^ ive made this
recipe before but i fear i used a little too much flour gulp
we'll see though! will post pics and the recipe when im done :D
also update on the fire alarm stuff its over we left the apartment
for a few hours now we are back in our enclosure YAAAY!!
wife comes over tomorrow i am excited i miss her deeply.
we dont have any plans but she is sleeping over for a couple days
so that will be nice.

i am soni. i am 20 years old. im a sagittarius (late as hell into the year birthday). i was born and raised and still live in the southern part of
the united states. im an ex-femme, and my gender is complicated but is best described as "boydykething" or "a girl but also a boy but also neither but
also both at the same time and seperately". i am a lesbian and take pride in the intersections between my gender and sexuality. i wanna be a butch when
i grow up!!!
i have a girlfriend who i have been with since late jan '23. i love her greatly and am very obsessed with her. i am objectively insane and a lot
to handle, but she is very patient and loving- i am eternally grateful for her desire to stick around and put up with me. i dont want to get too gushy
and gay but she is very smart and funny and charming and beautiful and awesome and i love her more than anything :3
i graduated early from high school at 16 and i am now what one would consider a NEET. i don't have many friends irl, though i am not the most social
to begin with. this used to bother me a lot growing up and even in recent times, but ive come to appreciate being alone (given i was constantly on
various substances during my "socialite era" which was what even allowed me to tolerate such scenarios). looking back though, ive always kinda preferred being
somewhat alone. i just wanted to be percieved as cool (and i think im pretty cool now :P)
i really enjoying learning/teaching myself new skills, usually in regards to art. aside from web building, i enjoy
collecting cute things, listening to music, baking on occasion, petting my wife, video games,
decorating my apartment, playing guitar (and a bit of ukulele), and thrifting.
video games
i usually stick to casual games and visual novels, because a lot of more action-driven games are very anxiety inducing for me. even minecraft mobs bring my heart rate way up lmfao. i really enjoy story focused and art focused games anyway, so it works out.
some of my favorite games include minecraft (classic, grew up with it), milk outside a bag of milk, fran bow, undertale (nostalgic!), q.u.q., rental, needy girl overdose, and life is strange.
ive recently been playing cookie clicker, marvel rivals and kitty powers matchmaker. i like to play muse dash and transformice on occasion.
also, this is a board game but i am a beast at mancala.
i listen to essentially anything and everything, though my favorite genres consist of shoegaze, art pop, math rock, electronic, skramz, and other alternative & indie subgenres.
cocteau twins is my all-time favorite band. aside from them, some of my other favorites include grimes, mitski, the sundays, and swirlies.
my father had a large influence on my musical arsenal- he essentially witnessed the birth and rise of rap and hip-hop in the 80s 90s and 00s, so the vast majority of what he listens to is music from that era. some of his favorites include 2pac (and digital underground), eminem (lol), michael jackson, outkast, dr dre, and jay-z. i note this to say that i grew up with this music because of him, and have a large appreciation for it and its influence.
favorite albums

cocteau twins

akira yamaoka

kero kero bonito




was big


ogre you asshole

poison girlfriend


fka twigs

fiona apple


the moon
the cardigans


and arrogant
machine girl


lana del rey

blood orange

the sundays

bar italia


tyler the creator


matt maltese

cocteau twins


lana del rey

i am and have been an artist since the dawn of my time. i view the world and function as a person through an artistic lens, and believe being autistic plays a big role in that. i am very particular about everything i do and the vast majority of my hobbies stem from a creative standpoint. i am organizational and very detail-oriented. ive been told i have "an eye for what looks good" and that "my brain is very focused on creativity". i express myself in any artistic means possible, including this website, my clothing (usually), the way i decorate my apartment, and more.
my primary medium for a while was jewelry/metalwork. in recent times i havent been doing a whole lot, but i enjoy sewing and sculpting (and jewelry still). im not the best at illustration or painting, but id love to learn more in the future. i do have a bit of experience with acrylic paint though. i also really want to get into toy customization/making, and so far have made a hand sewn plushie for my wife and have started on a custom littlest pet shop.
antiques, littlest pet shop, tokidoki [mostly] unicorno, sanrio, plushies, blind box minifigs, miku figures, re-ment miniatures, records and cds, sticker sheets and other cute stationery, squishies, vintage clothing, steam badges, cameras, cute dishes.
i explain my collections vaguely, though a lot of these consist of few items or a variety of things - i am just a collector of things that bring me joy at the end of it all, and my goal is usually not to complete or maximize